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Built environment • 27 November 2024

Security in smart buildings: 5 essential principles

By Nathan, CTO

Smart buildings are the future of the built environment. Think offices that adjust lights based on daylight, climate control that knows exactly what you like and access control that controls everything remotely. Ideal! But what about the security of all these smart systems? How do you make sure your software is secure, without hackers just getting in?

When it comes to smart buildings, security should not be the bottom line. The development of software that controls these buildings should have security as its foundation, so you can safely take advantage of all the smart gadgets without hassle or worry. How do you tackle that?

Why software security should not be at the bottom of your checklist

In a building that is ‘smart’, everything is controlled by a central software, from temperature control to doors. All that technology interacts with data - often very sensitive data - that needs to be neatly managed and protected. Without strong software security, someone from the outside could just walk in, literally or figuratively. And, of course, nobody wants that. With the right software approach, you keep the smart side of your building not only fun, but above all safe.

Security principles for smart software in smart buildings

1. Privacy from the drawing board

‘Privacy by design’ is not just a buzzword. It means taking data protection into account from the very first sketch. Instead of just ‘adding’ privacy later, we ensure that this protection forms the foundation from the start. This prevents data collection that is actually unnecessary and minimises the risks of data leaks right from the start.

2. Data encryption and integrations

When your smart building sends data, from energy consumption to user logins, you want it to be secure. By encrypting data during transmission and storage, you don't give hackers a chance to simply look in or steal data. It's like an extra lock on the door: you can't see it, but it gives you peace of mind.

3. Smart authentication for smart buildings

With multi-level authentication, you ensure that not just anyone can access the building system. Think of two-factor authentication, where you go through another step besides your password to get in. By betting on smart authentication, you prevent unwanted logins and keep tight control.

4. Updates: faster than the hacker

The world is changing at lightning speed, and so are the threats that come with it. Regular updates are therefore essential to stay ahead and keep all security holes closed. With automatic updates, new security features are installed instantly, without users having to do anything themselves. This keeps the software safe and future-proof.

5. Test, test and test again

Secure software is software that is continuously tested. By regularly carrying out security tests and penetration tests, you can detect vulnerabilities at an early stage. And because smart buildings are continuously developing, these tests remain a regular occurrence. This keeps the software strong and resistant to new threats.

Enjoy smart technology safely

With the right safety approach, you can use smart technology in your building without worries. Whether you are responsible for a large office building, a healthcare institution or a residential complex, by working with a party that takes safety into account from the first step, you create a pleasant and safe environment for all users.

Want to know more? At Innovattic we are happy to help make your building smarter and safer. Please feel free to contact us and discover what we can do for you!

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